

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cayenne pepper health benefits

Cayenne pepper health benefits

cayenne pepper health benefits
cayenne pepper health benefits

What is cayenne pepper? 
Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens ) is an herbal spice used in many dishes household nowadays. It is commonly known as the spice that adds spice hot fire on every Asian cuisine. You can find cayenne pepper in hot and humid especially in tropical or subtropical regions.

It is not surprising that peppers and other peppers can trace their history seven thousand years for Central and South America , regions whose cuisines are known for their hot and spicy aromas. They were grown in these areas for more than seven thousand years, first as a decorative item and later as a food and medicine.

It was not until the 15th and 16th centuries as cayenne and other hot peppers were introduced to the world. Christopher Columbus encountered them on his explorations of the Caribbean islands and brought back to Europe where they were used as a substitute for black pepper, which was very expensive at the time, because he had to be imported from Asia. Ferdinand Magellan is credited with introducing them in Africa and Asia, continents that since they not only have integrated in their kitchens, but their pharmacopoeia. While cayenne and chili are now grown on every continent, today's China, Turkey, Nigeria, Spain and Mexico are among the largest commercial producers.

Cayenne pepper is a powerful herb that treats common ailments and diseases. It can treat various health problems such as toothache, arthritis, diabetes, psoriasis and hypothyroidism. Cayenne pepper contains antioxidant properties that help you strengthen your immune system against the harmful effects of free radicals and stress causing diseases.

Cayenne pepper  or Capsicum  is not only a hot spice, but also famous with some of its advantages over the world wonder cure. The many uses of cayenne pepper are really amazing.

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin a powerful substance that helps people to overcome the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism . There is insufficient production of thyroid hormones in your body. Failure is related to thyroid cancer , malformation, surgical removal of the thyroid, radiation and iodine deficiency.

Nutrients in cayenne
2.00 c (3.60 grams)

Nutrient % of daily valueVitamin A29.9 % -  Vitamin E5.3 % -  vitamin C4.5 % -  vitamin B64.5 %

 fiber3.9 % -  vitamin K3.6 % -  manganese3.5 % - Calories (11) 0%

Cayenne pepper health benefits
 Capsicum can be helpful with:
1 . Circulation problems, blood cell regeneration, heart and cholesterol problems, etc. 
2 . The improvement of digestion and metabolism
3 . Appetite suppression for lovers weight loss Pain ( toothache, headache , arthritis pain, etc.) 
4.  Various
5 . All kinds of allergies , infections and irritations can be soothed through powder cayenne pepper
6 . Effective antiseptic for wounds of the body
7. Capsicum powder makes cancer cells and other tumors to kill each other, according to some studies
8. Can help prevent heart disease by stimulating the cardiovascular system, lowering cholesterol in the blood and lower blood pressure
9 . Helps prevent blood clotting and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis)
10. Acts as an antioxidant to protect body cells from harmful molecules called free radicals
11. May be thinner mucosa contributing to move out of the lungs
12. Lung tissue can enhance and contribute to the prevention or treatment of emphysema .
13. In addition, you can sprinkle a little powder on the toothbrush before brushing, to treat dental problems.
14. It can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism, and exercise should not miss if you want to see results .
15. It stimulates the digestive system, increasing gastric juices , intestinal gas and relieves stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

Some studies show that it is able to suppress appetite when consumed at breakfast. It is most effective for those who do not already eat spicy foods. This action in combination with boost metabolism wonderful spice makes a great help to lose weight. This spice can be found in many weight loss diets and formulas. In fact, it will not help you lose weight directly, but it can support your exercise and diet efforts. It will give your body a greater ability to process food and burn stored fat.


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