

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Benefit of green tea

Benefit of green tea

(Eight benefits of green tea)

Benefit of green tea
Green tea

The discovery of tea has a long mythical past when he was suddenly brewed in tea by a Chinese emperor after landing a few sheets of tea in a pot of boiling water. The good fortune was that the emperor decided to drink this potion and realized that it was a drink he would not mind tasting. Thus began the consumption of tea and since then there have been countless innovations in manufacturing and plantation. With the progress of history, China has started to negotiate with other countries, which has resulted in the need to take tea leaves the country to be transported over long distances. China still has a lot of pride associated with tea as it seems to have come from the time of the emperors. Now, how was the preservation performed when it was imported tea leaves?
Green tea is a pretty amazing drink to have every day and below, I will go into detail about the benefits you can expect and Heck, you may not even know all that this product can help you! So girls, you ready to start drinking green tea? You will after reading this!
The First of benefit of green tea:
Anti-aging agent
Oxygen plays a vital role in metabolism, but can also be an unhealthy agent. As a free radical, oxygen in the body can corrode cell membranes, which can damage DNA and fats. This then leads to diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. lipid peroxide formed by the fat combined with oxygen tends to accumulate in the body and create aging.
The Second of benefit of green tea:
Cancer prevention
Anti-cancer properties have been found in green tea. For example, through research, the National Cancer Institute published in 1994 an epidemiological study showing that regular drinkers of green tea reduces the risk of esophageal cancer by a whopping great 60%. Purdue University found that green tea has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
The Third of benefit of green tea:
good for your teeth

Green tea acts as an antibacterial and contains fluoride, the two features that help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

The Fourth of benefit of green tea:
Great for the mind
Advantages of green tea are beyond the physical, however. Some research has shown that regular consumption of tea can help improve mental functioning, even to help keep dementia at bay. To drink cheap, readily available that can be enjoyed hot or cold, and even incorporated into recipes, which are quite impressive results.

The Fifth of benefit of green tea:
Contributes to weight loss
It is known that certain compounds of this type of tea can increase metabolism, burn fat more efficiently and also help with hydration which is a factor that contributes to successful weight loss.

The Sixth of benefit of green tea:
Increases the memory
Finally ladies, if you have trouble remembering anything, did you know that green tea can actually help boost your memory? If you have Alzheimer's in your family, it is extremely important that this tea can help slow the whole process down and can really help you begin to remember things. All boils down to having only one or two cups of this day!

The Seventh of benefit of green tea:
Strong Bones
If you have had problems with brittle bones and looking for a natural way to improve your bone and really make them stronger, this is the answer! There is a very high fluoride content found in green tea is what can really help keep your bones strong! Drink green tea every day and you will be able to maintain your bone density!

The Eighth of benefit of green tea:
Combat virus
Green tea catechin and theaflavin, which are both present in black tea, have a significant effect on the influenza virus. It is also thought that the antiviral capacity of catechin green tea may have a beneficial effect on the AIDS virus.
Additional Information 
I drank tea for years and years without realizing that there are benefits of green tea. Most (but not all) of caffeine is released in water within this minute. A brand I like is Indian Decaffinated Cert. Organic (Camellia Sinensis) 4 oz: c you pour a hot cup, sit back, relax and enjoy your day. A new study shows that pregnant women who drink caffeine are more likely to get the recommended 30 minutes of exercise a day by going to brisk walking.

So as you can see the health benefits of this little sheet are great and should give you more than enough reason to start drinking a hot or cold cup today. It can be used as a replacement for sugary drinks you consume to keep you awake during the day such as soft drinks, coffee and energy. You should look for the all-natural kind that contains no added sugar or preservatives to maintain high health benefits.


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